Are You Ready to be an IPM Interim Pastor?
Interested in Interim Ministry Training?
Are You Ready to Start the Process to Become an IPM Pastor?
Let’s Get Started
Carefully review the Minimum Requirements document to make sure you meet or exceed the requirements.
Register and Complete IPM’s “Is Interim Ministry for You?” training. This is a prerequisite to IPM membership. You must also participate in the bonus session of the training from 5:30 – 6:00pm; where the IPM membership application process will be explained in detail.
Following completion of the initial training, email Todd Musser, IPM Senior Director of Pastor and Church Engagement, to express interest in initiating the IPM membership application process.
Minimum Standards of an IPM Interim Pastor
- A personal commitment to Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord
- A lifestyle consistent with Scripture
- Agreement with the IPM Statement of Faith
- Agreement with our policy Statement
- An awareness of the importance of transition times in a local church
- A sense of God’s leading into interim ministry
- Completion of IPM’s Tier 1 introductory training: “Is Interim Ministry for You?” as well as a concentrated two-day Tier 2 training on our Intentional Roadmap during the IPM membership application process
- A desire to see churches grown in health and effectiveness
- A desire to help prepare a local church for its new pastor
- Must be at least age 50 and have a minimum of 15 years pastoral experience* (performing all the typical duties of a senior or lead pastor); preponderance of experience must be in a lead pastor role – those that have a portion of experience serving in equivalent ministries such as associate pastor, church planter, missionary or chaplain will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. (Experience in church administration, lay leadership, small group and teaching ministries, as well as secular experience, typically does not qualify)
- Must have a Seminary education – at least a two-year MA in Bible & Theology. MDiv or THM preferred
- Favorable references (Recommended by District Leadership, if in a denomination or Organizational Leadership)
- If under the age of 65, the applicant must be able to support themselves (and family) financially between interim ministries. IPM has a good track record of placement, but we cannot guarantee it
- A willingness to undergo both a criminal background check and credit check
- * IPM partners with conservative, evangelical, Bible-believing, God-honoring, independent and denominational churches who align with our Statement of Faith.
Online Interim
Ministry Training
Is Interim Ministry for You?
Sign up for a one-day online training experience with Dr. Tom Harris, one of the foremost authorities in the evangelical world regarding interim ministry.
Learn More »